learning MPC controller
Using deep network to learn control for tracking
Robotics Research Centre, IIIT Hyderabad
Investigate the use of deep networks for learning control to imitate the performance of MPC controller. The proposed network takes in the future desired states and the current state of the quadrotorto generate high level control commands of yaw rate, pitch, roll and thrust to do positional tracking. All the simulations were done in ROS
using RotorS simulator.
Data Collection
The expert control commands are generated using mav_control_rw package. These control commands serve as the ground truth for the imitation learning scheme while the ground truth pose as the input.
Various network structures (MLP and recurrent networks) were tested for comparing the results. Though the final output remain the same producing yaw rate, roll, pitch and thrust.
Generated high-level commands from the network are sent to the low-level PID control for controlling the drone.